Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Happy New Year and Welcome 2017

Happy New Year and Welcome 2017!


Holiday e-cards are getting sent out late this year!   

Christmas crafts, Christmas carols, Christmas lights.  You name it, and we’re excited about it if it relates to Christmas this year.  Five-year-olds love to talk about Christmas, and that energy and enthusiasm is as contagious and catchy as the common cold.  The whole family is having fun with the holidays this year, whilst knowing that melt-downs are pending due to the over-excitement and sugar-overload of the season.
2016 was a fun and exciting year.  Here’s a brief recap:
Eric – His 9-5 is still working as a structural engineering with Larsen Structural Design in Old Town Fort Collins.  He moonlights building shelving with materials retrieved from dumpsters in the construction site near our neighborhood, building aesthetically pleasing compost bins and garden beds, and designing (and redesigning) ideas for patio and home enhancements.  When Eric’s not working, designing, or building spreadsheets with our monthly budget, he can be found riding his bike across the dams of Horsetooth Reservoir, reciting his daily “Dad Jokes”, and serving as a human jungle gym.
Haley – She’s entered her 11th year serving students as an academic advisor extraordinaire at CSU and is still enjoying her part-time work.  A secondary job and passion has emerged in forming a networking and support group for working mothers at CSU.  Off-campus, Haley continues to coordinate social activities with friends and neighbors, memorize the lyrics to countless children’s songs, and give appendicitis the middle finger by completing a half-marathon 3 ½ months post-op.
Harper (age 5) – Harper finished up pre-school, participated in summer “camp”, which involved field trips to all sorts of fun activities around the community, and enrolled in KINDERGARTEN this year.  There is little separation of school and home, as we see Harper either playing “school” or teaching us the activities she learns in school almost every day.   She loves planning parties (especially if we can have cupcakes), making arts and crafts projects to share with others, and expanding her athletic abilities (bike riding, gymnastics moves, dancing, volleyball, tennis, basketball, running fast, etc.). 
Rory (age 3) -  Rory spends 4 days a week at an in-home day care with his best friends, and 3 days a week fulfilling his family responsibilities at home.  Rory’s jobs are playing, potty training, and being the family snuggle-provider.  Rory loves all things transportation-related (trucks, tractors, trains, etc.), running fast, and making us laugh.   His expressive nature and curiosity leads to many humor-filled conversations.

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