Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Remote Control of Life

It’s time for another post.  Fitting these in is increasingly difficult.  But for a rare moment, I have both kids asleep.  And, while there are other things I could be doing, I feel inspired today to write and reflect on our lives.
In my last post, I was just getting ready to return to work.  We’ve made that transition fairly successfully, although life feels very busy.  Our daily lives feel like they are scheduled to the max with little wiggle room.   However, we also find ourselves in a state of not really being able to make many plans, as we don’t know how Rory will sleep from day to day.  So, in that way, we are more spontaneous than we’ve ever been.  It’s such an interesting balance.
I feel as though our lives run without a lot of our own control at times.  It’s almost as if someone else has the remote and from time to time s/he likes to push a new button just to shake things up.  I wish I was able to hold onto the remote more, so that I could dictate the pace of life.  For example….
Play – This may be our every-day, routine pace.  The pace is by nature pretty quick, and it starts early in the day and ends as early as possible in the evening.  My desire with a “play” button isn’t necessarily to change our routine of life.  But, maybe a “play” button could function as a prompt for making more time for guilt-less play or relaxation without feeling like I have so much else to do.
Rewind -  All too often, Harper will say or do something absolutely hilarious, and I want her to do it again (either for me or for someone else).  It’s never quite the same even if the action or statement can be repeated.  Rory does funny things too now, and I sometimes am like “darn, I wish I caught that on video or camera!”  Wouldn’t a rewind button be nice?  Or, a daily highlight reel like on ESPN Sports Center?
Fast-Forward – Life with two children under the age of three isn’t easy.  At times it is down-right exhausting and HARD (like when we have sick kiddos).  Rory’s sometimes erratic nap schedule (it depends on the day) makes it difficult to make plans.  We’ve had to reschedule or cancel plans with friends many times due to the unpredictable nature of our life.   And, Rory still wakes at least once at night for feeding and comfort.  I love breast-feeding, but it is exhausting and hard on my body to give so much to him.  Harper is gaining independence, which is awesome.  And, it sometimes makes us feel like we are herding cats to get her out the door or to pick up toys, etc.  Some days, everything feels like a negotiation.  Sometimes, I feel like I wish we could just get through a certain stage, be it an illness or developmental milestone.
 And, yet, these are precious times.  While life will be easier when Rory sleeps through the night and takes only one nap a day, I do not want to wish away his baby-hood for anything in the world.  The other night, as I was feeding and comforting Rory at midnight, I was struck by how much I could loathe a moment (when I am so tired) and never want it to end, all at the same time. 
The same goes for Harper.  She is really growing up.  She is incredibly smart (not trying to brag here) and is figuring out the world in her own way every single day.  The openness, curiosity, and innocence with which she approaches each day is beautiful.  I dread the day she get her feelings hurt by a friend, or feels ashamed by her body, or feels pain or loss.  I know I cannot protect Harper or Rory from those things, and I wouldn’t want to because they are part of the journey of life.  But wow,  life is pretty precious when you’re two (almost three) or 7 months, and all you feel or know about  the world is love and wonder.
I think above all else, what I’d really like on my remote control is a giant PAUSE button.  I wouldn’t want to use it indefinitely.  But, a button to slow down the precious moments and allow me to savor them, share them, and reflect on them would be so wonderful. 


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