Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Supporting us in our Transition. . .

Eric and I have been encouraged by the enthusiasm, well-wishes, and support of all of our family and friends as we’ve announced our journey into parenthood. Not one person has said “what in the world are you thinking?” which has been reassuring to us and our potential as parents.

Along with the support and encouragement, we’ve also been humbled by others’ willingness to provide us with “baby stuff”. If you know us well, you know that we strive to live simply. We also know babies need “stuff”. We have received multiple offers of used baby “stuff”, which we hope to take advantage of. We also know there are items we will need that have not been offered. For this reason, we are compiling the following list of baby needs. We are choosing not to do a traditional registry, but we do have one and you can view items we need and check off what you are providing for us.

Our registry can be found at Search for Haley Richards or Eric Richards. We know the list if fairly vague, but please mark off any items that you purchase so that we don’t receive 15 containers of diaper wipes and nothing else.
Please don’t feel obligated to purchase a gift. We also welcome and encourage homemade gifts or gifts of service.

**In an effort to minimize the impact our child will place on the environment, we encourage slightly used items from garage sales, thrift stores, etc. for things that can be passed down. These items are marked with a * on the list. Obviously, diaper wipes, lotion, etc. are not in this category (gross!)

• Meals – after Speedbump arrives, you can support us with delicious and nutritious meals to satisfy us while we adapt to our new family member
• Share a talent – are you an expert scrap-booker and would like to help us document Speedbump’s first month? Can you teach Speedbump about bugs and plants (Pete?) Would you like to help us preserve vegetables from our CSA?
• Nursery monitor
• Diaper wipes (compostable would be cool, but any work)
• Diaper cream / ointment
• Infant bath tub
• Hooded towels*
• Washcloths*
• Baby shampoo
• Baby lotion
• Baby manicure set
• Digital thermometer
• Snot sucker – bulb syringe
• Mirror to see Speedbump in the car*
• Pacifiers
• Bottles (glass bottles or BPA-free plastic preferred)
• Onsies (gender neutral)*
• Socks*
• Hats*
• Swaddling blankets*
• Burp cloths*
• Footless pajamas (bundlers)*
• White noise machine or small CD player*
• Waterproof changing pad for changing table*
• Toys to entertain baby (if plastic – PVC free please or naturally finished wood or washable cloth fabrics)*
• Hand sanitizer
• Portable changing pad for changing diapers on the go*
• Hooter Hider – nursing shawl*
• Bopee covers (gender neutral)*
• Mittens to prevent scratching*
• Used baby books or copies of your favorites*
• Crinkle toys*

I’m sure there will be more or additional specifications, so also check our registry for updates.

Once again, we are so thankful for the blessings of your support.
Love, Haley, Eric, and “Speedbump”

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