Thursday, July 5, 2012

Enjoying the fountains dowtown with Dad on Father's Day!
Hello summer!  We hope that you all are finding ways to stay cool this year.  It’s been a doosey in Fort Collins – record heat and crazy wildfires.  It’s cramped our style quite a bit.  But, we’re making the most of what we can.  Harper is a great distraction, as the joy we experience with her every day can make us forget about the poor air quality or steamy temperatures.

We thought it would be fun to share with you a glimpse of our life through the ABCs of Harper Anneliese’s favorite things:

Aapplesauce – It’s a staple and apparently it goes with EVERYTHING

B – bread – We’ve realized that if we eat bread she notices and wants it too.  There is no other option if it is on the table. 

Ccuddling with her stuffed animals.  She’s becoming very affectionate with them.

DDonna’s daycare – We are so lucky to have found such wonderful care for Harper.

Eearly mornings – We rise around 6:30 and are rip-roarin’ and ready to go every day!

F – fountains and splash parks – We are lucky that Fort Collins offers a couple of different options.  Harper loves watching all the kids and splashing in the water herself.  

G – Grandparents – Gramie, Gramps, Granny B and GrandBob are the best!

H – hugs – Harper has started giving big bear hugs when she pulls up to standing next to us.  We love them sooooooooo much!

I – itty bitty cousin Norah -  Harper’s newest cousin Norah joined us in May.  We think they’ll be great friends.

J – Jo the monkey – Jo is 32 years old and shedding fake fur everywhere.  But, he has plastic hands and a banana that Harper loves playing with.

K –Kisses on her toes – Harper has to put up with a lot of kisses.  Lately she’s wanted them on her toes, but they are good anywhere right now.

L – laps around City Park in her stroller – We go round and round the park every day seeing all the people walking, running, biking, playing Frisbee, slack-lining and more.

M – Mommy and Daddy – We’ll take being on her favorite list for as long as we can.

N – new adventures around town in her bike trailer – We were so excited to try out a bike trailer, and despite a rough initial ride, Harper has learned to love riding along behind us.  Most of the time she sings or talks on her “cell phone”.

O – ornery cousin Gavin -  Harper and Gavin share a special bond despite the distance.  It’s evident to all who see them interact that they really love each other.

P – playdates with friends – We have a great network of other young families, and it’s so great to get together and watch our babies grow into toddlers.

Q – quiet time nursing with Mom – Gone are the days of 30 minute feeding sessions every 2 or 3 hours.  Harper eats a lot of big girl food these days, although she still breastfeeds a couple times throughout the day.  It’s amazing bonding that will be difficult to give up. 

R – reading books – She will be entertained for a long time looking at her books and “reading” to herself.  It’s so fun to see her do that independently.

S – Skype dates with family -  What would we do without Skype?  It keeps us in contact and allows us all to have some face time – so important!

T – Tia (Aunt) Shayna and Tio (Uncle) Luke – Harper definitely feels the love and gets a little spoiled from her only aunt and uncle.

U – “up” – Harper is starting to communicate more and more now, and she definitely can tell us when she wants “up” so she can check out the world around her.

V – vrrooom, vrroooming around on her CareBear scooter – This is a new trick – scooting around the living room forward and backward.  She’s so proud!

W – Wednesdays at home with Mommy or Daddy -  I (Haley) am usually off on Wednesdays and at home with Harper, but Eric has had some ½ days with her this summer – so fun!

X – X-Kansas and X-Colorado road trips to visit family – Ok, they may not be her  favorite thing, but she enjoys the experience once she’s there.

Y – yellow rubber ducky and playing in the tub – I think bath time could last for hours if we let it.  She loves the water.

Z – ziplock plastic containers, wooden spoons, and other kitchen toys – Isn’t it funny how the simplest toys are so great!  Harper loves cooking on the kitchen floor while Mommy or Daddy is preparing a meal.